
Thursday 9 March 2017

Recipe: Red Sun Black Star Noodles


35g jollof seasoning
450g chicken breast

1 tbsp vegetable oil
4 medium shallots
4 garlic cloves
1 red chilli (or 2, depending on your preference)

400g chopped tomatoes
50g tamarind concentrate
2 tsp cumin
¼ tsp cayenne pepper
1 tbsp set honey
2 tsp Worcestershire sauce
2 tsp sesame oil
2 tbsp teriyaki sauce
6 allspice berries

200g soba noodles
½ pineapple, cut into 2-inch cubes


1.  Chop the chicken into 2-inch cubes, place on a plate and rub thoroughly with 20g of the jollof seasoning.  Cover with clingfilm and leave in the fridge for 2 hours.

2.  Chop the shallots roughly and fry them in the oil for 3-4 minutes or until translucent.  Chop the chilli finely, add to the wok along with the crushed garlic and fry for a further 2 minutes.

3.  Add the chicken and stir-fry for 7-8 minutes (the outside should be slightly browned after this time has elapsed).  Add the chopped tomatoes, tamarind concentrate, cumin, cayenne pepper, honey, Worcestershire sauce, sesame oil, teriyaki sauce, allspice berries and the rest of the jollof seasoning, and cook at a medium heat for a further 7-8 minutes.

4.  Add the pineapple to the wok, and boil the noodles.  After 5 more minutes, drain the noodles, add to the wok and mix well.